Complicated means the desired outcome can feel delayed. relationships are no different. We can desire to thrive but often, we find ourselves settling -
thriving feels far away.

We can believe in God, but if we don’t surrender who we are to him, we cannot be who he’s called us to be. If we want healthy, thriving, relationships, we must become healthy individuals.


We hope this series is a blessing to you, regardless of the season you may be in life.

As a way to reinforce our series and ensure you have some practical tools to help you in your relationship journey, we’ve complied some resources and created others just for you. If you’re married, single or seriously dating, there’s something for you.

Marriage takes work and intention. Or, you get what you get! . Below are some resources to help you, whether it’s going from good to great, rebuilding trust, or adding some healthy habits into our marriage.

Whether you’re thinking about what you want out of someone, or you think you have that figured out, here’s some resources that might help you to reinforce or help re-route your thoughts.

Choosing a spouse is the second most important decision you will ever make in your life, after your decision to follow Christ. So we’d say it’s worth praying about! If you are seriously dating or recently engaged, our time this week will prepare you for one of the biggest decisions in your life. Here’s some resources to help guide you in making God the center of the next stages of your life.