Grow your faith. No matter where you are.
Each weekend we broadcast our worship experiences to thousands of people around the world. Wherever you find yourself in life, we want to be a place you can depend on for receiving inspiration, encouragement, and support.
Church Online Home Guide
Welcome to our Church Online Home Guide. Our Home Guide is to provide you with tips, best practices, and a discussion guide to make the most of your online experience. You can lead your home by creating healthy habits when you take part
These ideas may vary depending on your home dynamic, if you’re on the road or traveling. This is meant to be a helpful guide so you can get the most out of your time online. Prepare, Participate, Process.
Before Service: Prepare
Plan the best time to watch service. We offer experiences throughout the day.
Sundays - 9:45AM | 11:30AM | Anytime OnDemand
Create a distraction-free environment.
Set your phone aside or silence notifications
Have your Bible, notebook, pen ready
During Service: Participate
Go from Spectator to Participator.
Engage in worship. Stand up and sing out loud.
Partner: Give an offering, sign up to serve, visit our virtual connect corner.
Interact with the message: Open your bible, take notes, comment in the chat.
After Service: Process
If you or someone with you said YES to Jesus, take a moment to pray. Take some next steps by connecting to “Saying YES to Jesus”
Share your experience
Watching Church Online with Others?
After watching the sermon, review the discussion with your group.
If you’re not in the Venture area, and Venture Online is your way of connecting each week, pick a different leader each week, it’s a great way to participate.
Watching Church Online Solo?
Review and journal your thoughts based on the sermon.
Share your notes and takeaways with those in your Venture community.